Performance with Perspective

During the cooperation with our partners we have consistently noticed a single key principle for success: Communication on a common level.

Successful negotiations are based on both parties having equal experience and background as well as the same comprehension of the matter at hand. This way of working enables mutual trust and achieving an efficient dialogue.
This is why we focus our activities on professional consulting in regard to commercial real estate projects. Individual and personal consultation as well as analyzing the entirety of relevant aspects are fundamental pillars for our ambition – performance with perspective.

Our Philosophy
Good projects need a successful realization to become a lucrative investment.

Usually, this process is highly challenging e.g. as banks set high requirements, key variables change during the project, or additional equity is necessary. Our experience with these factors has grown over decades and enables us to precisely support you in transforming your idea into profitable business.

We offer unbiased and detailed analysis, alternative scenarios for both investing and financing and primarily the right financial institution that ideally fits to you and your projects. Having this in mind you can focus on the important factors while minimizing the risk of your investment. Our offer ranges from support in particular aspects to a 360-degree hands-on-approach of your project. Either as your direct partner in negotiations with third parties or by providing research and background analysis to support your decision.

In any case we offer precise recommendations based on reliable data and transparent information.

Real Estate Financing

Real estate investments ensure attractive returns on equity and are an indispensable component of a solid asset structure. However, this requires you to not only having created a detailed object analysis prior to the acquisition, but also making the right decision when choosing the financing partner. We know the strengths and weaknesses of the German banks focused on real estate lending, take care of the corresponding negotiations either with you or for you, and finally advise you on the selection of the appropriate financing partner. Leverage our experience and our connections to ensure the best financing partner at your side for every investment.

Real Estate and Portfolio Sales

Sometimes the purchase or sale of a property should remain confidential. In case you prefer a discrete but successful transaction your contact with us will be handled highly confidential. Even if we are not a bank, we attach maximum importance on discretion and respect the requests of our customers in every detail. At the same time, we have an excellent market knowledge and know who is eligible for which deal. This way the contract to be closed will only be known by the parties involved and gets public after the signing at the earliest.

Brokering of Private Equity and Mezzanine Capital

Equity is an important and scarce commodity in a project. Therefore, involving a solid and experienced capital partner is often beneficial to enable the project or to leverage your projects. We know the right partners for you, connect you to the right persons and, on request, also advise you during the joint venture.


To us, asset management means realizing your development goals with measures tailored to your requirements as well as establishing the required medium to long-term business planning. This clearly differentiates us from other providers, who often rely on standardized products and processes.

We develop individual strategies and concepts for you and discuss them with you. The primary goal is the appropriate implementation optimized to both your wishes and requirements. Leveraging our excellent network and connecting you with our experienced partners if necessary is the key to success in this process. Through the simultaneous implementation of optimized processes in conjunction with detailed reporting, we consistently monitor the agreed business plan to ensure the actual businesses compliance with it.

Financial Management and Restructuring

When an investment gets into trouble, settlement proceedings are not necessarily inevitable. The alternative of involving external consultants is often perceived by investors and/ or financial institutions as a confidence-building measure that opens up new ways and thus averts a looming crisis.

We analyze internal and external risks, develop measures and accompany their implementation. At the same time, we are structuring sound financial planning and implement early-warning systems that identify the need for action in time and thus help to avoid a renewed crisis. We always pay attention to three fundamental factors that are essential for a successful restructuring: speed, reliability and sustainability of the measures developed.

We appreciate your contact

We are your partner when it comes to individual solutions and personal consultation.

How to get in contact

finvio Beratungsgesellschaft mbH
Managing Director: Martin Hoffmann
Königsallee 60 F | 40212 Düsseldorf
Phone.: +49 211 8903310 | Fax.: +49 211 8903999
E-Mail: | Internet:

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